Sheba talked to the woman and asked her to come the next day with her husband to talk it over. We prayed.
In the course of the meeting she found out that neither really wanted to abort the baby, but that someone had told them if they already had one HIV negative child (which they did) the next was guaranteed positive. They were also under much pressure from their family to end the pregnancy.
Sheba talked to them more. She shared about how precious each child is to God - and the wonder that is there in each creation. She shared the facts about the low chances of transmission given the medications we use today. She shared about how each child has an angel who sees God's face. She asked the couple if they knew about Jesus. To her surprise, the woman said that her sister attends Christian prayers and that there was a bible at home.
The next few months were a roller coaster. The woman feel sick with TB. Other doctors strongly favoured terminating the child. She was admitted at a government hospital for the abortion. We prayed. The church prayed. She left the hospital.
Finally the child was born. A boy. A beautiful boy. That was 10 months ago.
Today the family came. What a joy to hold little Hanif (name changed) - this wonderful life in our arms. Sheba held the child like Naomi held Obed. We wish we could share the photos of Hanif and his parents, but there are clear confidentiality issues at stake.
Take a look at his eyes, though. The road to today has been long already, but full of miracles. Hanif has an amazing future ahead of him - having been bathed in prayer since a pre-born!
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