Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Update on Mum’s Recovery – The Ides of March - Tuesday 15.3.2022

Dear Friends,

The golden rays of a beautiful Odisha late afternoon are flowing into the room.  Mum is sitting up and chatting with Sheba’s sister Sarah (who lives next door to us!).  Anyone walking into the room will hardly imagine Mum’s condition 2 weeks ago.  We are living in a season of grace.  Each day is precious.  Each day is a reminder of how precious our lives are… and how fragile.

By God’s grace, Mum is living well. She is processing a lot and has been sharing about how grateful she is to be alive, and for the care she is getting.  Earlier today after her morning physiotherapy session with Sheba, she took a nap.  She went into a deep sleep.  When I woke her for lunch she told me that she had been a bit cold to start with, but had a lovely warm red blanket put on her, and that that warmth and coziness was like the Father’s love around her.  

Mum has also been talking about having new revelations about the suffering that Jesus went through.  As she has been thinking during these days, the thought of Christ on the cross has brought her to tears – of sorrow and of thanksgiving.  

The last 2 nights Mum has slept without waking up at all.  Last night Sheba said that Mum moved on her own, turning on her side when needed.  What a huge step forward from where she was before, unable to move, with us having to shift her every 2 hours as we did not want her to get bed-sores.

Perhaps even more than in Mussoorie, we have a steady stream of guests coming to see Mum.  She is able to recognise so many of them from her previous times here at Asha Kiran – and is happy to make new friends as well.  The prayers continue in person – and from far away.  This is a blessed season for us in so many ways.

Is Mum out of the woods yet?  Well, she is able to sit without us supporting her.  She is able to eat with her left hand.  Her right arm is regaining some mobility – though there is still a way to go….   We continue to be concerned for her heart condition.  She is mentally sharp and is able to converse with a variety of people (though she has a bit more of a German accent than before).  Most of all, she is bringing herself to the Lord, and drawing strength from Him.  We know that all of our days are numbered, and are blessed to spend these with Mum, helping her on a road to recovery.  

Next update coming in a few days… till then – here is a picture of Mum taken this afternoon!


Andi and Sheba (for the Eicher family in all corners of ye olde globe)


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