Monday 16 March 2009


Somewhere in the mists of child-hood a brilliant little idea was shown to me. If you point at someone, you are pointing one finger at them - but three fingers back at yourself. Sometimes people added 'and on thumb at God.'

Would that we would heed these small lived out parables more. I still find myself inevitably blaming others - and when I am found to be wrong myself - quickly slipping out of my conscience by the old 'I didn't really mean it' bit.

The sad scene in the garden has Adam blaming God for giving him Eve - and Eve informing God that a serpent had tricked her into it. Neither of them stand up and acknowledge their own culpability.

Multiply this by a couple hundred crore people, and we have our dear fractured land of ours. Riot after riot. Commission after commission. No one steps forward. No one admits.

Its the others who did it.

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