Monday 27 April 2009


10 samples. 2 ml of blood each. Each one taken from a different person, with a different history. Each one about to be tested for HIV.

Saturday marked the most people we have tested so far for HIV. Ten. Its not a huge number considering all the people who have HIV (and don't know it) and all the people who may have HIV (and don't want to know). But it is a start.

Each sample is an example of a person who is willing to confront the truth. The truth about whether they have HIV or not. Whether the risks in the past means that virus is present in their bodies. Or not.

In either case, these test results are no ordinary pieces of information. They are vital parts of a person's life. The knowledge of having HIV can be devastating to a person. But it can also be liberating - and help a man or woman face up to reality.

Here to shepherd people through the testing process are Daniel and James, who are our main counsellors.

Its not easy. For the person getting tested - as for the counsellor. But we are convinced that this knowlege offers real opportunities for people to change. For those who are infected - to start the healing process. For those who are not - to make a difference in their behaviour - and to help others to change too.

Have you been tested yet? It's worth knowing.

This morning we will know the results of each of these samples - and start the process of communicating the result in meaningful ways to the dear people from which these small vials of blood were taken.

The blood tells the story. And the blood can mark the change.

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