Wednesday 26 March 2008

Don't forget the Tetanus shots!

Each religion has its set of masochists - Christianity is no different. Over the holy week - it seems dozens of folks in the Philippines decided to re-enact the crucifixion of Christ - by having themselves nailed to the cross. This is apparently such a phenomena there that health authorities have suggested that folks who get themselves nailed get their tetanus shots first. Note the watch and the jean pants and plastic chappals. Also note the placement of the nails - in the palms not as it should be - through the wrists.


Two thoughts here (out of so many possible ones):

1. Christ died once and for all. He was the perfect sacrifice. There is no need for any more sacrifice - and no need to reenact what he did for us on that terrible day.

2. One of our responses to His death may included some sorrow - because we nailed Him - I drive the nails into his hands through my actions - but more than anything, it is one of JOY! The empty tomb is the pointer to the cosmic mystery. A man who has triumphed over death by experiencing it and now living forever more! And an opportunity for us to live this risen life. Right here - right now!

Mind boggling - and certainly 1000000 times better than getting the tetanus shots in prep for ritual mutilations (even if it is in the name of Christ).

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