Tuesday 5 February 2008

Prodigal son

Mr. Sakunath went home to his village recently.

He went home after running away from his parents over 15 years ago.

15 years of silence.

Why he left home he did not tell us.

Was it a fight? Did he steal someone? Was there a woman involved?

Whatever it was, he did not tell his family where he was.

Mr. Sakunath went home as a sick man. Mr. Sakunath has HIV and has been responding poorly to the TB medication he takes over the past few months.

He returned to his parents house not knowing what was in store.

Last week Mrs. Sakunath got a phone call from her husband.
He arrived safely. His parents are rich. They own 52 acres of land. He was welcomed. Tears, many tears flowed. They are treating him at a hospital there. He will come back when he feels better.
We don't know what will happen next, but we know that one broken son has met with his family again.
The image used is "Return of the Prodigal" by Frank Wesley -
a wonderful Indian Christian Artist from the last century

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