Thursday 14 February 2008


Photo by Jon Warren
Sheba had a rough week - many of our HIV Positive Friends came with situations that seem to defy solutions. Some so full of sorrow that you can't help cry - even if you are trying to stay objective (whatever that means). Most with stories and experiences of sadness that gnaw quietly but steadily at the heart.

Much of the suffering arises out of the fear of disclosure - and a disbelief that family will be able to love and accept - leading to years of suffering in silence - years of putting on masks and hiding away from society. Many times the masks seem to become frozen onto the faces of our dear friends.

Then yesterday something different.

Mrs. Noorani came into the clinic with a huge incandescent smile. "Dr. Sheba!" she bellowed and proceeded to give Sheba a big hug.

This lady, who has been through so much - including being sold by her mother into the sex trade as a child - and who has seen life from the very pits - was ministering much love. How blessed it is to receive God's love in His amazing manner.
We minister to be ministered to - and so the beautiful cycle continues - God using brokenness to heal.

1 comment:

  1. Quite the reminder of the "peace that passes all understanding" and the importance of an eternal perspective.

    "From the least of these. . ."
