There was nothing passive about looking out. You glued yourselves to the bars, craning to see the front (or back) of the train, watching the shadows jump forward and backward as the landscape wizzed by. Games were play - counting cows vs. buffaloes - going through the alphabets based on trackside signs - endless rounds of eye-spy-with-my-little-eye.
I actually remember some of the steam locos that still plied the rails in my early childhood. We would end up being nicely 'sooted' when by the end of the journey (actually well before the end).
So do cast your eyes on this bit of God's beautiful world - taken through the bars of a train window last month. Southern Jharkhand - somewhere between Ranchi and Rourkela.
We were travelling as a family - heading back to Thane - and passed over an area where just 4 days prior a bomb had been placed under the rails. Our colleagues Dr. and Mrs. Pradhan had actually been in a train that crossed the bomb - but it did not explode and was found shortly afterward. When we pray for safety on travels - we really mean it!
And so we sign off with a look at the next generation window-gazer:
And no - that nose on the right of the picture is not an artificial red clown's nose - it belongs to yours truly and is doing its job quite well thank you!
Great stuff, touching and yet hillarious towards the end :)