We may drink many a cuppa of 'kapi' - and many a more 'cuttings' of chai - but we use a different metric.
We measure our lives with the lives of others.
What a joy to see another remarkable set of three young man pass through Jeevan Sahara Kendra - and leave their own indelible mark.
A mere seven months ago. So long a time it seemed in at the cusp of April. So short an eye-blink it now seems as we edge into November.
Our three friends came from the Union Biblical Seminary. They came to learn. To experience ministry among the urban poor. To get their hands dirty in roll-up-your-sleeves work with a group of people who society abhors. They did.
Time to take that deep bitter-sweet breath and grasp a firm handshake, give a tight hug, and entrust each other into God's hands.
Looking back we are again amazed by what they have added to us this year. The whole process of starting HIV testing camps in local churches came through their sweat work. The amazing time at the Positive Friends Family Bible camp. The new set of worship songs that Naveen took us through.
A sobering but challenging message from the Word: God having prepared us and placed us in the unique situations that we are 'for such a time as this' (Esther 4.14). We are not here by accident. There is a huge amount of work to be done. The stakes are sky-high. Literally. And if we do not... well, God can raise up someone else too. The universe does not revolve around us. We are privileged to move forward as part of the amazing set of work the Spirit is doing across the world.
The flip side - something that our friends understand well - is that not everyone always appreciates radical people. Lun, Nimit and Naveen are all headed for pastoral ministry. How many of their committee members want their pastors to talk about HIV and AIDS. Wouldn't they rather have them organise the Christmas pageant and arrange the prayers for young children in their exam times?
We are humbled to have been a small part in shaping Lun, Nimit and Naveen. Where will they go now? 1.5 more years of seminary - and then out into the world of almost infinite destiny-shaping opportunities. At least in this generation we will be dealing with HIV throughout our lives. They are well equipped to be the servant leaders to help their congregations make a difference.
Our blessings on you three! We miss you already!
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