Saturday 14 March 2015

Dad is home... for now at least

We brought Dad home at 12 PM today. 

He was only in the hospital for 4 nights - but a small stretch of eternity has passed us by.

A week ago tonight, we were sitting with Dr. Stephen Alfred as he spelled out the possibilities that a tumour like the one which the Dehra Dun MRI scan had picked up.

A week later we have Dad out of immediate critical danger from a totally blocked common bile duct.  We have found out that the growth seems confined to a 2.5 cm mass in the upper pancreas.  We have had Stefan come down and already leave for Delhi (and today for Spain).  We have had a flood of emails and calls and comments and above all prayers.  And we have made a decision to move ahead with the major surgery for the 23rd of March.

Dad is still not 'better' - and we now have the challenge of managing the many who want to come and see him and pray with him.  It is of course a great blessing to have so much love - but it also costs.  Every visit made means effort on Dad's part.  Effort to engage, to talk, to share, to narrate his story.  Pray for us as we seek to strike the right balance in these days.

For all of us - we need a recharge - after the pressure of the last few days - we need to shift gears to get back into synch with each other, with others around us.

As I write this, Dad is sleeping in his favourite pyjamas behind me.  What a blessing to have him home.


Meanwhile, could you please direct your prayers to Delhi, where Neeru's father was admitted in an ICU last night.  We understand that he has suffered a minor stroke.  Please pray for complete healing and wisdom and care by the medical team there.   Please lift up Neeru and the kids at this crucial time.

Praise the Lord, you his servants;
    praise the name of the Lord.
Let the name of the Lord be praised,
    both now and forevermore. 
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets,
    the name of the Lord is to be praised.
- Psalm 113.1-3


  1. Praying for you, dear Neeru!

  2. Praying for Neerus dad and the family. Also praying for God's healing on uncle Ray and also for good rest. God bless Gibu and Alphy

  3. Praise the Lord he is home! I will continue to pray.

  4. All Glory To Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ........

    God Bless You & Lots Of Love..............
