So was a little boy called Enoch.
Yesterday we celebrated their birthdays. Well actually we celebrated Enoch's B-day more. The local politician had a do outside complete with loud music celebrating the great warrior of old.
At the crack of dawn - no make that before the crack of dawn - at 5.30 AM we had both our little ones up and ready for the great day.
We were blessed to have Opa with us for the festivities. As a family we thanked God for 6 years that He has given Enoch - and remembered the many miracles that had taken place. Then there was our family treasure hunt to find the gifts that we had hidden for Enoch (and a few for Asha too)
The rest of the day was spent getting ready for the afternoon party. Balloons were blown up and stuck in strategic places. The juice and snacks were made.
Opa got to work on shaping the birthday cake. This year it was a car.
But he came through! In less than 3 hours the cake was ready - just in time for the party to begin! What more could a newly minted 6 year old boy want - than a racing car decorated with the no. 6?
The party was an afternoon one. And it was a blast.
What better way to spend an afternoon than with with a bunch of friends (old and new) and enjoying games together?
I remember the excitement I used to have when Dad (who has now graduated to 'Opa' in our house) put together different team games for us. It is such a joy for me to be the same to the next generation. There is something wonderful about living traditions - the things that you do because you cherish them - and seeing the delight on the faces of the kids!
We are blessed to be living on the top floor - which means the building terrace is just above us:
He designed a 2 team treasure hunt that was a real treat! I wish I were on one of the teams myself...
We also took the opportunity to think a bit about God's love for us. Enoch walked with God - we talked about this and how God wants to walk with us. When we walk we leave behind footsteps. What kind of ones do we leave in our walk with God?
Then it was cake time.
The birthday song was sung with gusto.
And actions!
The car cake lasted only a few hours before it was carved up --- and consumed with great delight!
Enoch 'fed' all his friends.
Snacks were brought out (our Mumbai speciality of Pau-bhaji specially prepared by Sheba) and the party wound down to its happy ending.
It is nice to see Enoch growing up. This birthday was the one he was anticipating - for months!
He was joined by friends who were both older and younger to him.
Though some of the excitement turned into crankiness - the early morning wake up contributed - he was overall a gracious host and thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Which is what all of us did too.
Oh yes, it was Shivaji's birthday too...
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