Monday 26 November 2007


That eternal mystery - what takes place when our eyes are shut. How is it that we spend so much of our lives in suspended mode - and how does sleep refresh and rejuvenate?
I was a mild childhood insomniac (partly spurred on by listening to the Radio Australia in the dark using an ancient East German shortwave radio - at low volume of course).
One of the verses my mother used to comfort me was Psalm 127.2b: for he grants sleep to those he loves.
Today its my turn to comfort the little ones. What nightmares they have at this age - I don't understand - but I do remember that even in the remarkably sunny childhood that I was blessed with - a particular dream of when I was 5 years old.
I dreamt that a darkened figure was coming in through the door of the balcony and into our bedroom - and when I ran into the living room there was my brother Stefan and the lady who helped with cleaning the floors. Stefan was totally calm, sucking on a small piece of Lego.
Over 30 years later the nightmare remains fresh in my mind.
What I do know is that whatever the internal terrors we may be going through. Our Lord promises His presence to His children. When I pray with Asha and Enoch on one of their nightmares - I know I am not putting empty words into space - but am invoking the gentle but powerful lover of us all - and from whose love nothing can seperate us.
Time to put my words into action. Good night! Sweet dreams!

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