I love reading the Indian Express. Here in Laltipur, it comes a day late. So I read yesterday’s paper which reports on
events of the day before.
But it’s not for the up-to-date log on what our dark world
is churning through that I read the paper.
The Express has voices. The
op-eds curate a variety of viewpoints (including talking heads from the current
regime) – and there are lovely summaries where basic data about how our nation
is presented, analysed and explained.
And then to top it off there is a page each day that reprints 2-3
articles from the Economist. (No, I have
not been paid by Indian Express to put this blurb up – but any cash sent this
way will be accepted gratefully).
On the 15th of July Ramesh Venkatraman wrote a
thought-stirring piece “Let’s talk about the Book” which looked at the
European Reformation and gently suggested that something similar take place for
Islam. It’s been raining here in
Lalitpur and so after a few paper-less days, today two arrived and I got to
take a dekko at Javed Anand’s response to this (Islam’s reform: Way to go
– IE 19.7.2017).
Javaid Anand zeros in this passage as the fulcrum of what he
wants to say:
“Venkataraman quotes the philosopher Anthony Appiah as
saying that the reform of Christianity 500 years ago was greatly facilitated by
the fact that on encountering morally ambigious, contradictory or problematic
passages, ordinary Christians who started reading the Bible for themselves
decided on “which passages to read into and which to read past.”
Simply stated, the reformists chose to ‘cherry pick’ from
among the passages of the Bible, embracing what was appealing, skirting around what
seemed appalling.”
I am not at this point going to address the main purpose of Javaid Anand’s article – but would rather step back and suggest humbly that my three friends
Venkataraman, Appiah and Anand have got the issue of Bible-reading in the European Reformation half right and totally wrong.
Yes, common people reading the Bible was *the* seismic shift
that brought about reform to the Christian church (reform which is still needed
at so many levels). Luther’s genius was
to translate the Bible into the language of the people (German in this case)
and combined with the spanking-new technology of the movable metal-type
printing press, whole Bibles, portions of the Bible, sermons, tracts, bromides,
letters and counter-letters started swirling around Europe. One obvious fruit of this was the press which
500 years later I hold in my hand in the form of my beloved Indian Express and
which allows me to have a (at least one-sided) conversation with Venkataraman,
Appiah and Anand et al.
A strong case can be made that Bible translation was thebiggest reason for the shift to a post-colonial world.
Wherever Bibles were translated, local people got presses in their own
language (Bengali, Hausa, Bantu, Tamil) – and not the languages of power (Persian/Urdu,
English, French). Local communities
learned to read, schools sprung up, local newspapers began being printed. No wonder the British authorities in India
spent umpteen efforts to suppress the ‘vernacular press.’
But this is not my point of departure from Mr. Javaid Anand’s
take on events in Europe 500 years ago.
More than the technology of getting information out, I believe it was the
actual process of reading the Bible together as Scripture, of meditating on it,
debating it, applying it. Of wrestling
with the disparity between what is written and what a common life is like. Of sharing and discovering in community which
brought substantial changes to how we see the world.
Javaid Anand has picked up on what he calls “cherry picking”
– looking for what is good and disposing of the rest. The problem with that is: what if someone else choses different cherries? How do you know what is true? A generation ago tonsils and appendices were
removed willy-nilly as early surgery under anaesthesia gave the opportunity to ‘remove
vestigial organs’ before the became inflamed later and caused you
problems. Well, we are still just
discovering the myriad complexities of each organ.
If you have the write to pick and choose whatever strikes
your fancy, then how can you be sure of anything? There has to be a basic belief that the Bible
is actually revealed truth for it to make any sense. There have been cherry-pickers in the past –
Thomas Jefferson comes to mind. His view
of God was one of a ‘Supreme Being’ who has left humanity long ago to our own
devices. The idea of the Supreme Being having
anything to do with us in the here-and-now was embarrassing to Jefferson and so
he published his own new-and-improved version of the Bible. Every ‘miraculous’ event neatly cut out. Vestigial organs for Mr. Jeff it seems. Unsurprisingly there have been not many
takers for his ‘cherry-picked’ version of Christian hope.
What makes the Bible so compelling to so many and why does
it continue to be translated into various un-scripted languages around the
globe? Why do so many of its principles
find their way into the broad spectrum of human excellence? Why do different generations encounter it and
come away changed?
One of the keys is in the process of belief and discovery in
community. You have to believe that
something is true for it to have any authority and meaning in your life. And yet, so many things seem so confusing
that to find truth we are blessed when others are there along with us. Joint discovery and mutual learning allow us
to change. Europe 500 years ago
underwent a seismic shift when the Bible began to be read by the people. Some of the outcomes were pretty ugly, but so
much of what we treasure today as good and true flowed from these various
streams of faith communities who were discovering and applying the Bible into
their lives in vibrant ways.
Reading is a precious gift.
Deep reading, like in the ‘olden days’ seems to be evaporating. Our house is full of books, but sadly, I seem
to read so little these days. PhilipYancey feels the same way.
But in my last trip up to Shanti Kunj I picked up a little
gem. “A New Motive for Living” is the story of Venkateswara Thyaharaj whose
grandfather Subbaiyar had been the dhikshitar (spiritual teacher) of the
Maharaja of Travancore. I am
purposefully working through this gentle saint’s life and have been touched
with many of his deep insights.
Here is Thyaharaj’s take on the Bible:
God has always had a wonderful plan for his world and not
least for this land of ours. To fulfill
it he recruits, not demigods and astral beings but people like you and me… In
the Bible.. God recruits men and women with nothing to boast of but his mercy
and the change it is making in their proud hearts.
Again and again I returned to that treasured Book, to its
frankness about men’s faults and yet its disclosure of God’s amazing destiny in
store for those who turn to Him. How, I
asked myself, in today’s darkening world can we fitly respond to God’s
disclosure of his purposes for mankind?
How indeed? How in
This is our life story – and one that continues to live out
the beauty, and at times messy grappling with divine love and human perfidity,
with the mist of so much of what happens around us and yet the piercing clarity
of having our own beings revealed in the light of revelation.
Sheba and I continue to read the Bible and be read by
it. We invite you to join us on this
journey of discovery, as we join others in different places and times who are
living in the light of the Book.
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a Bible study at our Lalitpur home last year |
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