They are growing up hearing the words "HIV" "death" "orphan" and "widow".
But they are also in a ring-side seat - watching their parents live out the calling that God has given us.
They see our short-comings. And they see the amazing ways that God has used us and the team to touch people's lives.
Asha is in the JSK building as I type. She has morning school and came here at 1PM. As I had to go to Mumbai for the CORINTH meeting - Sheba (who had brought Enoch to the hospital at 11 AM) stepped out to drop Enoch off at school and pick up Asha.
In the meantime Sheba admitted a very sick woman. Anita (as we will call her) has a sudden on-set hemiplegia (partial paralysis). She has a fever - and it is probably due to a viral meningitis (brain infection). All this because her immunity is very low due to her HIV. A church partner of ours brought Anita in. Sheba admitted her. Anita may die. But that is what we are here for. To try to do what we can. To treat. To pray.
Asha got a ringside view of this.
And at the same time - had a wonderful afternoon. Agnes (Sheba's cousin) who is off duty also lives in the same building (all our single female staff are now housed with the Bethany Hospital nurses who live in the 2nd to 4th floors of our building). Asha went up to Agnes' room and spent a wonderful rest of the afternoon. She just popped in - her hair done up in two adorable pigtails - and asked for money to buy snacks at the canteen down stairs.
Its a wonderful life. A strange and trying one at times. But one where our children are part and parcel of the God-drenched solutions we are working through.
What a lovely picture of the two beautiful women! And how wonderful for Asha and Enoch to grow up in God-drenched life that their parents are living out.