We walked into this with a lot of questions.
It was going to be our first camp where we tested and gave the results on the same day. The location was a bit far from our centre. We were working with 2 different churches. They assured us that many would come - but who could be sure. Would we be sending our staff and just seeing them twiddle their thumbs?
We needn't have worried.
Came the day - came the people. Dozens of them.
The folks in both churches had spread the word. Literally. Some were brought from distant places - having left at 6 AM to be there for the 12 PM start of the camp.
A few doors down in the home of Bro Guy Rodrigues - a pastor at KOGC - we had the counselling and testing going on.
By 2 pm we had already registered 30 people. At the end of the day a full 81 people had been counselled and tested for HIV!
And our team was strengthened by the presence of our old friend (and trained counsellor) Daniel Kautikkar who came up for the weekend from his MSW studies in Ahmednagar.
Of the 81 people tested, we had 4 who tested positive for HIV. One was a couple who did not want their partner to know about their status. A lot of counselling is needed there. Another was a young man whose wife and children he sent back to their village in north India. A final was a young widow who thought she might have it, but was confused.
Though we are never happy that people are HIV positive - we are glad that we were able to meet these dear people. Our prayer is that they will be followed up and helped to make real positive steps in their lives. Our prayer is also that the 77 people who tested 'negative' will take this as a real God-send to make real changes in their lives.
Andi -- thanks for sharing this. What a wonderful report -- it seems as though there is more of an openeness happening in churches there for education and awareness and in this cases even testing. God is honoring the teams faithfulness and there continues to be fruit -- you guys have been a great example! So happy Daniel got to be with you - -I know that was a treat . . .