Tuesday 20 October 2009


The US Marines may be part of one of the most powerful fighting force on earth - but a single command can bring a plane full of them down to the ground.

It happened on Sunday morning. A friend of ours serves our country with our airforce. An unscheduled civilian flight entered Indian airspace. It was noticed that the flight had used a military call sign when it landed in the gulf country that it had recently taken off from - but was now using a civilian code. When our friend radioed the captain about who was on board the flight, the captain admitted that the passengers were US Marines.

It is not unlawful for civilian flights to carry soldiers over India. But they need to get permission from our ministry of external affairs and from the defence forces. The Americans had not. Our man had found it out. He asked them very politely to land. Hectic calls came in. US Embassy. US Defence attache. Our man held firm. He asked the plane to land immediately at Mumbai airport. "Our fighters are ready if you do not come in, sir" said our friend.

The plane landed.

Why? Because of the authority vested in our friend. He is no hot-shot, but a man who takes seriously what he does. And the issue is one of national sovreignity.

I was thinking of this when our friend came up to the church camp later in the day. His shift was over - now it was others who had to deal with angry Americans. A simple, wholesome man he laughed when he told about the hornets nest that had been stirred. A TV channel was there within 30 minutes of the incident.

A single command, and the plane came down.

Why? Because this man was speaking on behalf of a sizable force. His brief was crystal clear. He was totally confident of his actions. His decisive act was not done in anger or emotion. It was just the basic exercise of authority. Even if the passengers were soldiers from our only remaining super-power.

Just before Jesus was taken up into heaven He said an amazing thing: All authority in heaven and earth is given to me, therefore - go into all the world and make disciples...

Christ offers each one of His followers a mind-boggling thought. The authority of the all-powerful. And to whom does He give it - very simple fellows - like our friend - and like me.

How do we exercise this authority? With pride or with humility? Do we even know what our standing is - and what authority has been vested in us?

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