Exhibit one is Mr. ? The name plate hasn't been chisled out yet - so he (or she) remains muffled in a sheet till a dignitary will come to unveil the statue.
.Our second exhibit is a man heroically letting a dove fly. Alas there is a lady who is far larger than life behind him trying to get us to shop at the CMR Mall.
Most poignant of all is this statue of Subash Chandra Bose - revolutionary, founder of the Indian National Army, progressive to a fault. A man who even today arouses deep passion in West Bengal where to even publicly say that he is dead (he died in a mysterious plane crash in the last days of WWII) can lead some of his followers engage you in fisticuffs. Here at RK Beach the great man is totally dwarfed by a huge hoarding for Chevrolet - and his plaque looks miniscule compared to the name of a mobile phone provider which embraces him on both sides.
Strange how even the tallest look small when even larger idols are placed behind them.
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