Monday 4 August 2008

Back on the street?

Satish - dear friends - is so very much better than before. His 'death skull' has almost dissappeared. He is eating. He sits up. He watched a video this evening.

His mother - however - remains trapped in misery. Her poverty is not just the destitution she is in - but a barrenness of the mind. Mrs. Langru insists that she can care for the 3 children - and that she knows what she is doing. Asked about her plans, she is vague.

Reality is this: Mrs. Langru believes her lover will care for her. She has convinced herself that he will swoop down and take her and look after her kids too. The fact that she has not seen the man in 3 months is beside the point. The fact that he is already married and with children is ignored - she feels he will leave his wife and care for her and her kids - picking them off the roadside and taking them to a better place. The fact that her son was within an inch of death just 2 weeks ago - under her 'care' - seems lost to her. The reality of the perilous situation she faces is to her just a mirage. Her roadside shack a ruin and the local people saying she cannot rebuild - Her face is hard and set.

We are now nearing the end of Mrs Langru's stay at the centre. Satish has survived. Its a sheer miracle. His mother doesn't seem to understand this.

In the next few days Satish and his mother and the two other kids who have been camping out at the centre will need to leave. The little boy who was no more than a feeble skeleton is back in the land of the living. But without the cooperation of his mother - the family will be back on the street.

At Jeevan Sahara, we are trying to contact Mrs Langru's relatives. Its tough going. All parties seem least interested in each other. We must persevere and try all we can though. Satish's life depends on it.

We just got the sad news that another small child with HIV died. Her mother had taken her - against our advice - and had gone to her native village in Yavatmal District. Someone from there came to Thane and told the neighbours. Mrs Langru seems to be moving on this track too. Hard heart - set on doing her own thing - come hell or high water.

Deep breath.

Lord have mercy upon us all. Its the very same for you and me. Our utter ingratitude for all that loving Father had done for us. Time and time again.

This, if at any time, is the time to love Mrs Langru - and try everything possible to help her see the light. For Satish's sake. For her own. For the love that our sweet Lord gives us while we are His enemies.

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