Tuesday 22 May 2012


Mussoorie is full of beautiful things.  Wherever you cast your eye you are in for a treat.  Look out over the hills and you see range after range of forests - framed by the deodars and horse-chestunuts and oaks in the foreground.  Look down and you see tiny flowers.  Look around and you are washed in the evening gold of the setting sun against the unnaturally blue sky above...

As awe-inspiring as all of the natural wonders are - the real beauty for us lies in the people.  

Each year we make our pilgrimage up the hill to be with Oma and Opa - and the wonderful family of Stefan and Neeru and the kids.  For our Asha and Enoch that means cousins!  Lots of them!

the day begins round the breakfast table - sun shining in and new plans hatched!

Enoch and Ashish are as thick as thieves - baseball, cricket attax cards, lego, running races - they do them all!

All in their Sunday best on their way to church!
 This year we have the added joy of an added member to the general hilarity of it all!   As you can see from the picture above - we not only have our dear Enoch and Asha, Ashish and Anjali - we have someone who is being carried by Neeru Auntie!

 Introducing Anita!  What a joy this little bundle is - her big eyes follow everything with such wonder!

Asha and Enoch have really enjoyed being with Ashish and Anjali - they have all bonded superbly this year!
the tire-swing that Opa put in the front yard is a big hit for (almost) all the cousins!

At the end of the day - its time to read the Bible and pray - and then sweet dreams until the next glorious morning dawns here in Shanti Kunj!

We never want this experience to stop.  Hooray for cousins!

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