Wednesday 10 December 2008

OK, here is the future. Well, at least part of it.

We have our three seminarians at home - with the rest of the JSK team - at their farewell party.

Silvanas (standing right), Leroy (2nd head to the left of him) and Akshaydeep (just right of me and Enoch in the front) have put in 7 months of an internship with JSK which was part of their studies at Union Biblical Seminary in Pune.

Did we ever enjoy them. The days were short. Now the future begins for them. We have seen another small batch of leaders go through the experience of working with us - and now moving forward to make a difference in our country - and for the Lord!

May these fine young men be spared the frippery of some of their colleagues abroad - like this lady vicar who BBC informs is dressed as an Orange.

What? It looks like she has a candle on her head. And why an orange of all things? What ever happened to the cassock?

We all know what a powerful spell anything that has even a wiff of the US or the UK has over here. Seminaries are not immune to this.

Having said that, we are really proud of our three this year. Last year's crop of seminarians was pretty good too! And the year before too - ditto the first. We have now had 9 interns from UBS - and have yet to duplicate a state that they are from - 9 states of our Union represented so far

We bid Akshay, Silvanus and Leroy: "God-speed" - both to your homes for a needed break - but even more so - out into the harvest field where so many are sick, alone and abandonned in this sin-stained world we live in.

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