Sunday 7 August 2016

Pies in a time of Cancer

We had a pleural tap yesterday.

Rephrase that:  Dad had a pleural tap.

Dad had increasing trouble breathing the previous day and night - and so Dr. Tony Bishwas and the team came over mid-morning to drain the fluid that had accumulated in Dad's pleural cavity.  The cancer in the lungs has been producing more fluid than is normally drained from this cavity.  This fluid build up is called a plural effusion and makes it hard to breathe as the lungs are crowded in.

Dad had undergone a similar procedure a week prior which gave him much relief.  A whole litre of fluid had been removed then.  Yesterday's procedure went well.  Instead of going over to the hospital, the whole team came to Dad's room.  The blessings of being here.

While the procedure was taking place in Dad's room, another procedure was happening in another room in the house.

You can guess what ... by the blur in the picture above.

Yes, it is our 78-year-young bundle of energy - a.k.a. Christa Roesli Eicher (nee Fischer) who just cannot sit still.  Her heart beats with love and her hands live out her heart.

So I was not surprised to walk by the kitchen and see this:

In Mum's methodical way - all the ingredients and implements are ready... for the action to take place.
A few minutes later, the above had been transformed into this:

And another apple pie has been shaped with love, at such a time as this.

Apple pies in the time of cancer.  Apple pies which Dad cannot eat more than a nibble, because all food at this point just turns him off.  It is heart-breaking to bring our tiny offering of food to him, and have him eat a few mouth-fulls, and then get his signal that he has 'had enough.'

The homeopathic doses of food that he is getting these days is not enough to keep him going.  But we are not going to force him.  We cajole and smile and try to edge in another bite or two, but beyond that we let him set the pace on what he wants to eat.

The pies (and there were two of them baked yesterday) are for all of us.  An expression of love.  A statement of homely continuity in times of sorry.  A small extension of the home that Mum has lovingly crafted in the many places and spaces that we have wandered over all these years.

Mum continues to live out the life that her mother Roesli Fischer lived.  A hard-working woman with a big heart ... and who loved to bake.  

As a young girl, Mum would tell her mother to relax and sleep on the odd day that her mother got off from her labour in the coal business (Fischer Brennverstoff in Leipzig) that her husband Willi and her ran.  But instead, she would find her mother in the little allotment plot, gardening.   A whole generation later, Mum continues to live out this drive of love in her life.  Kinetic love.  One pie at a time.


  1. Thinking of you all and blessing you. Christa's pies (and cheesecake) have been blessing and balm to many over the years, accompanied by a listening ear, a prayerful response, and energetic encouragement. May all of that be hers (and yours) in these sad days. May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord be glad in his works; I will sing unto the Lord (or bake unto the Lord) as long as I live; I sing unto His praise while I have my being.

  2. So well said, Andi-and Kathy too. Your parents live out that so-hard-to-do "Long Obedience (with much love)in the same Direction.
    Praying that Ray has much relief from this procedure.

  3. Our love and prayers are with you during these precious bittersweet days as the Lord holds all of you in his palm. Memories come to me (Ruth) living with you and baby Andi in the early days of your marriage in the
    Grant Road flat - daily lessons in self-giving similar to my own parents but now modeled again. Hugh and Robin were blessed being with you in Shanti Kunj in June and there was the added bonus of seeing both Andi and Stefan, both impressive in their careers, their lives of discipleship and their love for their parents and the way they have honored the LORD through this platform of pain. The blessing of your lives reaches all of us.

  4. Our love and prayers are with you during these precious bittersweet days as the Lord holds all of you in his palm. Memories come to me (Ruth) living with you and baby Andi in the early days of your marriage in the
    Grant Road flat - daily lessons in self-giving similar to my own parents but now modeled again. Hugh and Robin were blessed being with you in Shanti Kunj in June and there was the added bonus of seeing both Andi and Stefan, both impressive in their careers, their lives of discipleship and their love for their parents and the way they have honored the LORD through this platform of pain. The blessing of your lives reaches all of us.
