Sunday 26 October 2008

Holidays in the Eicher household

Diwali hols in Mumbai town mean 3 weeks - that's right - 3 weeks of time off school (fees still need to be paid for that time though, but that's another story).

Asha and Enoch are enjoying their time off with one week already behind them.

Enoch has some serious lego work on hand. Early in the morning, Sheba and I have been reading our Bibles, and then we hear a sound from the kids room. Clink, clink, shuffle - Enoch is up - and has already started on the lego blocks.

Besides his artistic patterns Enoch and I have been working on a project inspired by the recent launching of the Chandrayaan moon-rocket.
I have to admit that having Enoch play with our childhood lego set is a real thrill (thanks Mum and Dad for faithfully preserving the treasure trove) and yours trully has really enjoyed building again after a gap of a quarter century!

The triumphant builders with their creation!

Enoch and the rocket launching site. In the mean-time, Asha has jumped deep into books. She just loves to read and has just finished "Sunshine Country" by Margaret Roy which she really enjoyed.
As a family we are reading Dr. Tom Hale's classic Don't Let the Goats Eat the Loquat Trees. His son Chris Hale told me about an eon ago that the awkward title was insisted on by the publisher. The book is well worth the read - and we as a family are visiting Nepal in the early 70s through its pages.

Two more weeks of Diwali hols are upon us. Church camp next week - Mum and Dad for a few days - the time is already flying!

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