Sunday 10 August 2008


Sheba was on the phone - talking with one of the great heroes of our day - Dr. Chering Tenzing who is battling it out at Nav Jivan Hospital. This was the hospital where Sheba joined me after we got married (almost 9 years ago now!) and which has multiple challenges including being in the area largely controlled by Maoist insurgents.

As the conversation was developing - we suddenly heard a tremendous racket from next door. Loud swearing of the most vulgar kind, what sounded like slaps, more shouting and banging. It clearly was not a tiff between husband and wife, but something more. Soon two people had come out of the neighbours flat and were shouting outside.

Sheba gave a quick update to Dr. Cherring who made this classic statement: "Wow, I am glad I am not living where you are - it sounds really dangerous."

Coming across the phone-lines, spoken from a place that is so steeped in violence - where the pistol is king and where having gone to jail is spoken of with pride - Chering's gave us pause for thought.

Where is our security actually? In our Sunday fellowship this morning we examined Psalm 91. The writer says that: He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. He then goes on to list out the ways that God protects and keeps his children.

Here's the rub. We can take tremendous comfort in knowing that God looks after us when we dwell with Him. But that doesn't mean that our lives will be 'safe' in the sense of being free from danger and suffering. A quick look at the life of Jesus shows that clearly. We are, however, to be free from fear. Free to enjoy life to its fullest - and live each day with confidence in our loving Father.

Multi-drug resistant TB? Bombs? Water-borne disease? Flooding and high winds? Patients with criminal links? (all real issues for us in our work and where we live) - we pray, and move forward. Safety is in being close to our Lord. His hand will hold ours no matter what happens. Period.

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