Thursday 12 March 2015

Dad's next procedure

Dear Friends,

Just a short note to say that Dad is due for his next procedure in 4 hours from now - another attempt to introduce a 'stent' (small tube) in his common biliary duct so that the bile juices can flow into the intestines and reduce Dad's jaundice.

Dr. Stephen will be manning the endoscope and Dr. Girish (an interventional radiologist) will be performing a PTBD procedure where they are attempting to get by the mass blocking the common biliary duct through the liver...  Dad will be under complete anaesthesia of course.

We appreciate all your on-going prayers - and humbly request that you continue to bring Dad before our loving Lord Jesus during these crucial times.

Love from all of us - both here in Thane and far away too!

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. 
  In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  - John 16.33 NIV


  1. We are praying for Ray and the entire family. Bob & Linda Craton

  2. So sorry to hear of your dads illness. I wil be praying for you all. Greetings to Dr Stephen too from a Doulos line up team member 1994.

  3. Sorry to know about his sickness. Praying for the fast healing. Our God is a healer. He heals.
    Much love
    Obed, Sonia & Gabriel Masih.

  4. Sorry to know about his sickness. Praying for the fast healing. Our God is a healer. He heals.
    Much love
    Obed, Sonia & Gabriel Masih.

  5. Sorry to know about his sickness. Praying for the fast healing. Our God is a healer. He heals.
    Much love
    Obed, Sonia & Gabriel Masih.
