This just in from our dear friends Bennet and Bernie David who run an amazing group called "Tender Hands":
We really need your prayers for one of our boys, Akash.
Two of our boys were on time-outs most of yesterday, which is nothing new for these two guys who are constantly mischievous. Apparently one of them has been planning to run away for about 2 weeks and finally he found a companion, Raju to go with him. So at about 3-4 am, Raju and Akash went to the roof, scaled half the wall until they landed on the building under construction next to us and went to the train station.
Both of them are from VT train station (Victoria Terminus) and they took the first train back there. Apparently they separated on the platform, Raju left the train station but Akash must have been having to much fun riding the trains and jumped on another train. We just have no idea which train and to where. Raju left the station and was starting to roam around his familiar territory when one of the other mom's (Sara's mom) recognized him and assessed the situation pretty quick and grabbed him by the collar and tried to call Bennet. He did get away briefly but she was able to catch up and from then on, scooped him under her arm until his father was able to get there. So, Raju is back at home but has no idea where Akash went.
Akash's father also lives on the street at VT, we got a hold of him and he went to the police but because he is poor, illiterate and living on the street, the cops would not help him. They didn't want to file a report because then they may have to work a case. Bennet's brother, Melwyn works near by and was able to rush over there and file the police report and get it in the system. Apparently if he is found at a train station, we will know it as he is in the system. His father and his friends, as well as several other people are walking the trains and stations looking for him. It is a pretty tight knit community of the people living on the street and they are all looking for him. Joy is also searching for him.
At this point, in a city of 18 million people, looking for a 8 yr old boy is pretty much a miracle ! Please pray that the Lord will send his angels to protect him where ever he is tonight and that tomorrow someone will help him to get back to us in safely and unharmed. Pray that he does not end up on one of the outbound long distance trains that would take him anywhere in India.
Please pray for a big miracle, we serve a God that can move mountains and He knows right where Akash is tonight. Please Lord wrap your arms around him and bring him back to us !!
Bernie David
An update on Akash:
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to continue to ask for your prayers. We have not heard anything.
His father and friends searched last night until late and again started early this morning. They also searched some of the beaches, which no one usually gets in but is common for the street kids to go and play at the beach. A friend felt he may be there while she was praying.
We also printed fliers with is photo in two languages, that the father is posting in all the main train stations. Other ministries/NGO's are chipping in and helping pass out fliers and look for him. His father and his friends have the best chance of finding him since they all know the in's and out's of each train station and where the boys like to hang out.
We are praying and hoping that he is just enjoying his freedom and that when he is finished with his 'adventure' he goes back to VT to his dad. Next we will start to check the remand homes (or juvenile homes). If he was picked up by the cops, he would have been taken there. He should know Bennet's phone number by heart, we make all the kids memorize it.
Please continue to protection around him, that a legion of angels would completely blind him from the evil ones. Pray that boredom sets in soon and he runs back to his dad. Pray that God would reveal to us or his father directly exactly where he is and exactly where to look.
Thank you for your support and encouraging words ! Thank you to family and friends that are helping here locally. There are a lot of people chipping in behind the scenes and we are grateful to everyone.
Bernie David
Mobile: 98 7076 6962
Kharghar, New Bombay, India
Good news! Today's update on Akash by Bernie:
ReplyDeleteWe are so happy and relieved beyond belief to know where Akash is. It is not the best news but at least we have found him.
The details are still coming in but the police brought him in either yesterday or this morning to the Dongri remand home (juvenile home) and it is a notorious place and not for the right reasons. The 'treatment' of a new inmate is pretty grim, poor food, little supervision and a lot of bad activity. Boys are raped and beaten by the older boys.
We tried to get him out today but they would not entertain us. Tomorrow the parents are going to plea their case and we pray and hope he is released. If he is not released to the parents, then he has to stay there until next week until we would have a court hearing. You can imagine, we want him out of there asap.
PLEASE pray for total favor on the parents ! They have a much better chance of getting him out then an 'organization' does. One of our other little girls before she came to us was in a remand home and the street mom would not settle for anything other than her immediate release and they did release her. So, we know they 'can' do it.
Please pray the heart and minds of the staff at Dongri would release him tomorrow. We will be sending his school records so they know he lives in a home and leads a pretty normal life, etc. Also, please pray for his protection at the remand home, that angels would be encamped around him and his bunk or where ever he is sleeping. Please pray that not ONE hands falls upon him and that through all of this, he will cry out to the Jesus he knows. That the Lord will put a song on his heart that will comfort him and bring him hope and peace.
Our little prodigal is almost back....
Bernie David
Mobile: 98 7076 6962
Kharghar, New Bombay, India