A small muffled cry.
The very first time we heard our daughter Asha Esther Alice Eicher.
A decade. A whole decade has somehow slipped by.
Sunday was a day of festivities!
We started early in the morning with the traditional Eicher family thanksgiving prayer - followed by a treasure hunt for the birthday gifts.
It was great to have 'Oma' with us - 'Opa's' presence, however, was sorely missed as he is supervising the repairs of Shanti Kunj in Mussoorie.
Hugs for Daddy afterwards were much appreciated!
In the afternoon the festivities took the kiddy turn!
A birthday cake had been prepared - with Asha's fledgling interest of badminton in mind:
It was no problem getting our birthday girl to pose!
Games are of course the core of any party - and we had a rip-roaring set in hand.
As the kids are growing - so is their sophistication (and competitiveness of course).
The boys vs. girls blanket-drop rapid-identification proved quite a hit!
And then the action moved to the terrace. We are blessed to be on the 7th floor - and just below the terrace. During the summer we roast - but on a late winter afternoon it is just perfect for games.
And then the games began in earnest.
The result was almost too close to tell - but one result was clear - there was a lot of laughter and cheering - just what the game was meant to do.
With the 'horse' blind-folded and the rider giving directions - it was supposed to be a combination between skill and hilarity.
And then they were off.
The problem was not a lack of participation, but an overenthusiastic bunch. The dear blindfolded 'horses' did not pay much attention to what their 'riders' were saying and charged straight ahead. One minor mishap... but the game was still on. Then we had two eager 'blind' horses collide at full speed. Head on. End of game.
Tired and a tad sweaty (with one or two teary eyes) but with high spirits the crowd trooped back down to a time of sharing from God's word - and a prayer for our birthday girl.
The cake was brought out:
Eager hands then cut it up and added it to the other goodies - with hot samosas getting pride of place. Lots and lots of them.
And from then on its the "feed the cake to everyone" game - masterfully played with Asha in the lead role.
It was appropriate that we chose Ps. 23.1 for Asha this year - The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. The writer is not saying that there will never be problems - but that God will take care and look after him. That has been our experience as a family - and with Asha in particular.
Along with Asha - I also sometimes wish we could celebrate her birthday more than just once a year!
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