Our Agnes does not know latin (other than some obscure medical prescription short forms like b.i.d. and p.o). But she does know Telegu. And English. And her Hindi is improving rapidly.
Agnes is one of Sheba's first cousins. She has done her GNM nursing in Andhra Pradesh and has worked in private hospitals for 3 years - working in the ICCU. After much prayer she has decided to join us at JSK as a nurse. A real God-send!
We are enjoying getting to know our cousin. With the JSK nurses hostel a bit cramped, we have been hosting Agnes for the past month in our home. It has been wonderful to get to discover who Agnes really is - as we had only met occassionally before.
One thing is clear - Agnes is very quiet. But still waters run deep. We are thrilled that she has taken the plunge and joined us here. Its a very different world to West Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh - but it is an opportunity for Agnes to live out a love for God and others. We have been praying for years for nurses to join us - and are amazed the the first GNM (equivalent to RNRM in other places) who joined is our cousin!
Asha and Enoch are really happy to have their Aunty with them. We are starved for relatives - and to have one actually staying with us for these weeks is pure bonus. As Agnes will be joining the hostel this weekend we already know that the home will seem 'empty' without her.
The lamb of God came into this sin-stained world 2 millenia ago.
May we be more lamb-like.
Having a name like Agnes is a great start. Even better is putting your name into action. We are so proud of Agnes for her decision to serve people with HIV as a nurse. More power to you Agnes!
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